Senior Moment....

The pictures that I’m posting here were taken 3 weeks ago at BP. I thought that I had posted them already, but someone asked me about them and when I looked for the pics I found them in the ‘not sent’ pile! Just another senior moment! Let me tell you, gettin’ old is not for sissies!!! Click to enlarge…

Difference of opinion?

The Hooded Mergansers above seem to be having a little difference of opinion….. The pics below are shortly after when momma merganser went to check on an apartment she was thinking of renting for the season….

That first step is a killer…..

As you can see, it’s a single room efficiency apartment…. “cozy” is what a realtor would say…

First Look…..

If you look closely at the feet, you can see the toes all have little claws on them. This helps them climb into the nest….. they normally nest in tree cavities, but they have readily adapted to these nest boxes which I believe were originally intended for Wood Ducks.

She didn’t get into the box this day, but I have since seen her enter and exit the box. Baby Mergansers are on the way!!!!

This Mallard hen below came over to see what all the excitement was about. She couldn’t imagine putting a nest in a tree!!!

Nosy Mallard….

Meanwhile, the Wood duck swimming below just shook his head and swam away……

I hope that I can convey what a great time I have when I’m out there, no matter what I see! So get that camera out of the closet and go shoot! There is no better time than now….